About us

About us

We are Einsis.

Einsis offers comprehensive solutions and IT service with hardware infra. Vaule of Einsis is to help our customer the uppermost optimised IT environment in Asia with many exprience and excellent technology. Einsis provide diffeenciated value with customers having a liberating idea, a fast and accurate hardware sourcing ability via global sourcing network at competitive price and technical support service supported by our own created management engineers system. Also, Einsis will be sure that Einsis offers reasonable price,technical agility and IT expansion with Einclould solutions and application


Why Choose Us?

Why Einsis?

Einsis starts business with sales of IT hardware and has grown into a specialized company to perform the info-communications industry by continuous technical development and investment. We keep increasing Enterprise competitive power by providing a vast of IT services such as Green IT distributions, IT infra business of construction, SI, total maintenance, data security, digital media solutions, safety solutions etc. Furthermore Einsis perfectly analyzes and comprehends customers’ business environment and their inquires in order to promise the optimum IT solutions thereby thousands of clients so far.

  • Present

  • 2023.01

    Dell Gold Partner 체결

  • 2021.12

    백만불수출의탑 수상

  • 2021.12

    Series A 투자유치

    케이클라비스에임 투자조합

  • 2021.12

    Petabi 코리아 & Petabi Inc 인수

    AI 보안 개발기업 인수 (한국 본사, 미국 현지법인)

  • 2018.11

    SIA Membership 가입

    SIA (Service Industry Association)

  • 2017.03

    경영혁신형 중소기업(Main-Biz) 인증

  • 2016.05

    정보통신공사협회 면허 취득

  • 2015.07

    본사 이전 및 (주)아인시스아이엔씨로 상호 변경

    서울시 영등포구 선유로13길 25 에이스하이테크시티2 확장 이전

  • 2015.07

    소프트웨어사업자 및 직접생산증명 등록

  • 2015.02

    IBM 파트너 체결

    한국IBM, 일본IBM, GARS 파트너 체결

  • 2014.11

    일본법인 설립

    Einsis Japan 설립 및 고물상 허가 등록

  • 2014.4

    Einsis Inc

    (주)아인시스 설립